Weekend get away!
This weekend Dan and I took a little vacation to Daejeon. Daejeon is Dan's Korean hometown. It is about and hour and a half away from Busan by train, in the middle/west part of Korea. Mike, Rosie, and Aaron also live there. Along with Dan's besties whom hold years of memories behind them (and many more ahead). We decided to visit this fine city. And with Dan as my tour guide, there was no one better to show me what this lovely town has to offer.
FridayPost work and some quick packing. KTXin' it to Daejeon for the weekend! Kalimochos and excellent conversation, throw in an ipod with a splitter and this train ride flew by! Notice the disposable camera! More pictures may be soon to come.

We arrived around 11 or 12pm and began our hotel hunt. We checked out three until we found the real jem. The first one struck our fancy with the midwest feel. Very log cabin like. Even a deer head above the door! The ajuma wouldn't haggle with us on the price so off we went to see what else we could find.

Ahhh love motels. Not your typical vending machines here...

We didn't go with this hotel either.
Uh-Oho! Mung Motel! At the sight of the pink butterfly outside, I didn't think it would shine. But upon entering the door all of our dreams began to come true. Service of beer and popcorn as soon as you walk into the lobby. Now we are talking! We instantly knew this was the one.

Various sets of mood lighting including this red light special. No better way to enjoy your popcorn!

After unloading a few treats we had brought, the mini fridge was packed! And that's just the fridge. The counter was loaded with ramen, nachos, trail mix, and coffee. Ready and set for the weekend!

Complementary lotions and soaps. Full size bottles, no minis here. Why yes I indulged in this fine product.
The next day began with a POP!
The first baseball game of the year! Preseason game in Daejeon with the Hanwha Eagles! A sure fire sign that Spring is on its way! :D

After the game we met some other folks at the stage, an outside park area in town with tables and trees to make the perfect visiting spot.

BBQ dinner with another crew rounded off the day and rolled up the start of a fabulous evening.

This was the night, the big social night! Meeting tons of people and having a blast, Daejeon style! And so it began.
Puppy street break! So cute!

Rooftop get aways.

Taking full advantage and shower beers to a WHOLE new level! It is a great, grand treat to find a tub in Korea.
SundayThe tradition continued with a dakgalbi lunch date! Daejeon has some killer dakgalbi. So it was planned from the beginning to feast our faces on this trip. I was not disappointed. In fact, it may be hard to go back to boring Busan dakgabli after that. :D YUM!

We decided to walk off our massive lunch by strolling the streets of Daejeon and doing a little bit of shopping. Dan bought new Kobe basketball shoes and scored me a serviceaahh cookie (haha) in the process. I got a cute headband, jellybeans, and chapstick from back home. We also went to a cutesy Asian photo booth! Time was ticking and an ajuma helped/ hindered our decorating skills so we couldn't get as creative as I would have liked. However, they still turned out terrific and were a ton of fun. How cute is that big one?! So cute right?! Makes you want to puke a little? I know! It's great!x

I spotted some phallic looking ice creams next to a super excited Korean girl. Dan pretended to have an ice cream dick.

And so the day continued.

And I didn't want to go home.x
Yeah Daejeon!