Perhaps it's just a temporary itch but we'll see!!!
Last Monday: Chili!
Of course, I don't have a photo of the finished product because I was too busy scarfing down delicious chili to remember to take one. Lo siento chicos.
Today (Sunday): Kimchi Jun (Korea pancake)
After a lovely dinner with some Korean pals on Saturday, I thought that tackling my first pajun was in order. They told me it was a breeze and showed me grandma style (a handful of this, a pinch of that) how to make it. They were right, easy it was and super 맛있다 (mashittda)!
Spanish class has also turned into cooking class. We are trying out the combination of cooking at home and Spanish rather than the traditional coffee and Spanish then dinner out. I have to admit that less Spanish is done this way. However, combining events proves to fit more in. First night of it, tacos. This coming week spaghetti. Spaghetti sounds lame (and a tad hardy) but throw in some mulled wine (yeahyeah well it's not getting any colder) and homemade garlic bread and now you're talking.
Tacos round one
Do you like our Korean napkins (toilet paper)?
Spanish class banished to the floor!
Round two
Starting out easy but we'll see where it goes! At least it's a start. I'm proud and it's fun.
Yeah! :D
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