August 21, 2011

Bloggie construction

Faithful friends, loving Bloggie followers,

The time has come. Blogger has told me that I have met my end. Yes, there is a picture limit which I have struck. There is no more room for me here. So you are asking, 'Now what, Cody? Now what? Don't do this to me!' I am thinking the same thing, my dear friends. Now what? Don't worry. Bloggie Blog will continue. Wether here or there, life will go on. But this thing has history! It has heart! As you can tell, I'm upset about this situation. I will fix it someway, someday. As soon, as I have time to figure it out (one week or two?). It the mean time, my posts will build up on my computer. Don't lose hope. This is Bloggie Blog World saying good bye for now and wait for me!

The warmest regards,


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