I dunno if you will get much this weekend so count your lucky stars faithful bloggie blog followers.
I talked to my grandmother for a hour today. Awesome. I really need to call her more often.
She is going strawberry picking tomorrow morning-- aka right now--
Five ice cream pails full of about $25 dollars
yum yum She will have jams and other treats waiting for my return.
I called her today in a Packer rampage. After yelling at Dusick about a crappy Wisconsin post on blogspot, I found him (Adam) on AIM. Aannnddd he broke me the horrible news.
A fricken VIkQUEEN?!!? Srsly?!!? Farve what is up man?
I will copy Adam's picture which I was so furious over before.

However, the man can not be taken out of my WI born and raised heart.
Also peeps-- get with it! If I was there I would have went camping fifty times by now!
As Louisa documented oh so well, If we can do it in the winter--
now will be even better!!!!
Rock those puggie pies for me!!!!
*note-- looking at both of those links are highly HIGHLY worth it!
please please do it
I feel bad for Adam. This kid has more camping gear than anyone I know! You need a water filter! He has it! Mini stove--Sure! Axe? Yep Minimalist tent- Definitely. You name it- he has it.
So for god's sake someone go camping with him!
Just keep in mind it will not be as fun without me there.
This is something you will have to accept until next year.
ps Also go camping in Iowa.
It is great advice trust me.
pps I wish I had a tent in Korea-- oh oh sooo bad
So use yours for me okay friends!!!
best. post. ever. miss you, wish you were here, we would camp every night, and fend off that nasty racoon, Savage!
as a member of the indoor camping crew I hearby volunteer to go outdoor camping.
someone just get me a weekend off.
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