I was invited to an old friend's twisted, surprise birthday party. Kinda nutty it was- from the soccer, Thanksgiving, good luck theme to the ruler party favors and rubber chicken. We had harmonicas, eye patches, mustaches, and more.
Craziest thing to see- I can imagine-- all mid to upper 20 year olds hootin' it up!
Mr. Adam Dusick ladies and gentlemen.
The weird head Adam and his friends take everywhere they go- Swanz I do believe-- although I'm probably spelling his name wrong just like I spelt Dusick- Dusik for five years-- sorry buddy! ^^
Nice holiday sweater don't you think?!
Coming to a state park near you!
Watch out pudgy pies!
So eventually everyone took off their mustache-- and I failed to notice. Annndd tthhheeenn in walks my high school sweetheart- whom I haven't seen in ages-- and there is me- the only person sitting in the room with a giant fake mustache on. haha Pretty good reunion if I do say so myself haha
Uuuupp! Mustache malfunction!
Smooth it back on.
Ninja Turtle cupcakes-- annnddd it was a ring
What next?! How can we top it?! Action City! Games, go carts, and other shenanigans:::
This bop-it game -- where you hit something down- is one of my favorites. I talked Adam into playing the shark one- claiming the rat and mouse one would be lame. Turns out-- sharks sucked it. The cat and mouse one took the cake.
Basketball tournament
Tempting no?
Air hockey
The look of determination:::
Skee Ball tournament
Can't you feel his pain?! Aaahhhhgghhh defeat- taste so cruel
Lets give it a whirl~
A *llliiittttllee* bit that way
We were so close.
Row boat game
A group effort:::
Right at the edge!!!!
Who's going to put more money on their credit card?!
Can Dusick pop it?!
All of our winnings!!!
We picked out Nick a giant snake! Woohoo!!
Blowing bubbles in the toy shop! ^^
Then they gave Nick free tickets for his bday. He was ready to leave so we claimed them for him-- but that ment that Jared had to spin around till all 200 tickets captured him until he broke FREE!
Venison!! My dad got all defensive when I was taking pictures-- you better not give out my secret recipe! haha ;)
Oh God, I died. My mom actually had to cut us off from eating the whole pan.
My family had a big 'welcome home' party for me. Everyone piled on over to my grandmother's house- for a cook out/ potluck. It was great- really wonderful.
My immediate family arrived early and had fun with Friday's party favors.
Aaarrghh matie! Me, my younger brother, and my mom.
Heck yes.
Words of wisdom from Kevin Kuni
And yes, that is a Leinenkugels
Play time with the kids. These little guys are awesome!
To the bar!
More words of wisdom::
How I have missed you l<3ve...
Free tickets to the GUN SHOW!! ::::kisses my pumped up arm muscles:::
The annual pancake feed at Sugar John's!! I lucked out on coming back this weekend!
Cakes, maple syrup, huge sausages, cheese, ice cream (for breakfast?! YES!)
I woke up before 7am - got up and going so we could beat the church crowd. Been waking up early a lot- and going to sleep early- I blame it on the jet-lag - although getting on a half normal schedule wouldn't kill me.
Annnyyhoooowwww PANCAKES!
Stand in line! Fresh off the griddle!
We knew the cooks and managed to get a 'backstage tour' of the maple syrup in the making^^
Later that day...
Cookout, family, great weather, good beer:::
::hite, maxxah you can suck it
And steak!
Followed by a couple bike rides:::: Aahhhhhh my bike <3 We are back- and it's going to Minneapolis with me tomorrow!
Minneapolis!! Yes yes!! Minneapolis-- you heard me right- one more time folks- MINNEAPOLIS!
Wednesday through-- Easter Sunday at least--
As you can tell, I'm excited.
ps God the midwest is wonderful. I have found a great appreciation for the midwest. It blows my mind at times.
Crazy- at times yes- did I see a insane bar fight Saturday night between grown men and women with mullets- yes- it was too crazy. But I also saw a turkey strutting it stuff on the way to pancakes. A saw ducks, and cranes, robins, and cardinals, sweet- home is where the heart is- goodness -- memories I tell ya. More than just wildlife don't get me wrong. The first weekend back was amazing. It was great to spend time with my family. I'm looking forward to even more of it.
I just don't know if its enough to hold this 25 year old firecracker down.
For now, I'll just enjoy- and tomorrow we will see where I go...