September 15, 2010

Here and there from the past few weeks.

No internet makes life a little tricky. My apologizes lovely bloggieblog followers.
Coffee shop addiction soon to come; mostly for a productive job search.
Here are a *few of my favorite resent moments.

Lady date with Allison Olmos. And a great one at that.<3

Dong Yang's with Brycie boy visiting from D.C. ^^;;

And today; my birthday! Celebrating with the family in Wisconsin- nothing could be better. <333
I picked a sauerkraut meal for dinner!

Mom made a dessert! Woooaahhh reeaaaalll special day! ;)


Brunch with Grandma and Mom tomorrow! Woohoo!

1 comment:

allison said...

paddle boats + sunset = best date ever. <3 ps, HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY