April 12, 2009

Weekends are my favorite

I have so many sweet blog post coming up. This weekend included my first Busan beach visit, a Mexican restaurant in Korea (interesting to say the least), and a visit to Gyeongju- a city a couple hours away to see ancient tombs and famous temples.

ps Happy Easter! I hope everyone is eating lots and lots and TONS of jellybeans for me!

1 comment:

platinumseagulls said...

In fact, weekends are my favorite as well, and I had, perhaps, the best weekend of 2009, this weekend. Things all stacked up correctly, and I constantly looked at my WWCD bracelet (What Would Cody Do?), and life was brilliant.

Keep it brilliant lady, as you do. Totally missing you Cody Girl! XOXO and WWCD.