Plus the added bonus of Cino de Mayo
Wwooohoooo get awesome!!!
Shirley and I eating a 3,00 Won (less than $3 USD) meal-- three different items included.
Liver and some type of intestines filled with noodles. Good stuff :::I live on the wild side:::
A bar with sparklers. I did not get one :(
FREE foosball Cino de mayo style-- Corona bottles and limes.
A crazy Korean dance club around 4amish where an intense dance circle was started. ha
Still going....
8AM Ramen fest
post script: This is a Monday night
Git Buck!
yessss!! bringin' the Wisco party flava to the Far East, son!
Now I see how much you like Ramen!
The Ramen you demolished is 'Shin Ramen'. Shin means Hot or Spicy in Chinese.
Codes, in that 2nd pic I was thinking "Is there a baby sticking it's hand into the picture?" and then I realized it was that girl's other hand.
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