Minnesota summer<3
I'm so winning right now.
The biggest bubble bath ever. EVER
Yes yes you are seeing and reading correctly:
What?!!!? Yes! haha I felt like I was back in '92 but I was really just at the 90's
Get awesome.
That stream of stuff coming from the ceiling is bubbles-
tons and tons of crazy sudsy fun.
haha ha Tiffany and I feelin' ggrrrreeeaat
Bubble beard
Drunk enough to take pictures in the bathroom wwaaahwaaahhh
Bubble leggzzzz
I was waayyyyy late to work the next day.
And I will never be late again, I promise.
Good thing I'm cute ^_^*
More back alleys & beautiful nights
Writings on the wall.
Doug is a popular guy.
Me and My Arrow at the Kitty Kat Club
Then I ended up in the warp zone but I only have these two pictures to prove it.
Sunday Dinner:: the biggest yet. Everyone was prepared and rarrin' to go! ^^ YES!

Grill Masters
Wooooaaahhh!! I think I found someone who actually has whiter legs than me
-- way to go PBG!
A little bit of this and a little of that ::then:::..so on and so forth..
Night time alley
I biked over with 'Emilio'
Yes, I biked with a watermelon in my bag. A sweet ass watermelon that someone carved their name in.
Boris! I love you.
The sprinkler! Later it attacked me but -- really I adored it.
Sprinklers are the shiiit!

Keg standzzzz!!!
Chris's birthday keg stand.

Nick's turn
Eric. ps Great job Eliza on getting everyone pumped!
Eliza's MOM!
Ohhh how I would have loved to have participated but alas I was off to work.
:::upon my return- more grillin' & chillin'
Bonfires. Smores' and hotdogs.
Ted was the master with his dual roasting stick.

Lunch time with Mike- this week we compared college IDs
ps Sidewalk chalk rules.
The stallion on my front steps.
pps Sleep is over rated.
Summertime in Minnesota.
pps. sleep IS over-rated.
ppsspsps. I MISS YOU.
Love it. Makes me miss Minneapolis summer though... I like your College ID - Ahaha!
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