May 25, 2010

Days go by::

How do I do this?! Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and part of Tuesday on this post. Yes, this is amazing.
Minnesota summer<3
I'm so winning right now.


The biggest bubble bath ever. EVER
Yes yes you are seeing and reading correctly:
What?!!!? Yes! haha I felt like I was back in '92 but I was really just at the 90's
Get awesome.

That stream of stuff coming from the ceiling is bubbles-
tons and tons of crazy sudsy fun.

haha ha Tiffany and I feelin' ggrrrreeeaat

Bubble beard

Drunk enough to take pictures in the bathroom wwaaahwaaahhh
Bubble leggzzzz

I was waayyyyy late to work the next day.
And I will never be late again, I promise.
Good thing I'm cute ^_^*


More back alleys & beautiful nights

Writings on the wall.

Doug is a popular guy.

Me and My Arrow at the Kitty Kat Club

Then I ended up in the warp zone but I only have these two pictures to prove it.


Sunday Dinner:: the biggest yet. Everyone was prepared and rarrin' to go! ^^ YES!

Grill Masters


Wooooaaahhh!! I think I found someone who actually has whiter legs than me
-- way to go PBG!

A little bit of this and a little of that on and so forth..
Night time alley


Monday was Chris's Surprise Birthday BBQ at Eliza and Angie's place. I had to work that night but made it out earlier and after I was done. I knew things were going to get messy when people were taking shots at 2:30pm
I biked over with 'Emilio'
Yes, I biked with a watermelon in my bag. A sweet ass watermelon that someone carved their name in.

Boris! I love you.

The sprinkler! Later it attacked me but -- really I adored it.
Sprinklers are the shiiit!

Keg standzzzz!!!
Chris's birthday keg stand.

Nick's turn

Eric. ps Great job Eliza on getting everyone pumped!

Eliza's MOM!

Ohhh how I would have loved to have participated but alas I was off to work.
:::upon my return- more grillin' & chillin'
Bonfires. Smores' and hotdogs.

Ted was the master with his dual roasting stick.


Mike has been rippin' it up over at The Plat Life. Defiantly worth a gander. Including a pic from the big '30' joint B-Day bash, a creeper in the pool, and this fine picture of me in my new crappy apartment. Woohoo!!

Lunch time with Mike- this week we compared college IDs


ps Sidewalk chalk rules.
The stallion on my front steps.

pps Sleep is over rated.


Extreme Ash said...

Summertime in Minnesota.

pps. sleep IS over-rated.

ppsspsps. I MISS YOU.

Katie Mae said...

Love it. Makes me miss Minneapolis summer though... I like your College ID - Ahaha!