I have been slacking on the pictures as of late. Sworry folks.
This is what I got:
A day in the sun. Park to park we ran.
Make a wish. ^^
Party night. Intellephunk threw an event, Come Together. Three rooms packed with dj's and dirtiness until the sun came up.
Leaving the house-- I didn't quit catch it but two cats where silhouetted in the window. It was awesome.
The moon was ruling it.
I got the last beer! Woot woot
Dave Dion- yes
JP and Mike G throwin' it down.
There is something I really like about plants growing out of the cracks.
Poor little guy.
Here it comes... morning magic
Angela and Jeremy rolled up. ^^
This is the street I live on (below). Maybe if you're lucky I'll post pictures of this beautiful place soon.
haha It's a total dude pad. :/
After the party, I ate McDonalds for the first time in years :(
Angie and I saw a sweet / kinda creepy moth the other day. HUGE.
In other news,
Gayngs, a sweet new MPLS band takin' it by storm. This song is pretty amazing and so is the video. Apparently, anyone whose anyone is in this video. I only know a couple people. Including Markie Mark at 2:07 looking pretty tuff.
GAYNGS | MySpace Music Videos
And here is my friend, Daniel Panozzo, playing me a tune. Little did he know I was going to exploit his ass on YouTube.
Ladies, he lives in Busan and he is available. Dan is going to visit Migook in the summer yeeeeaaahh! to Korea friends that I get to see again. Speakin' of which MARIT?!! Where are you?! ;_; And Laura for that matter!
You know what else is sweet? Eeerr was sweet MYSPACE. Trip down memory lane here I tell ya'
My pictures are so much better on myspace...
And finally, Mr. Jacob Grun. This and that and too much gin last night.

Also included, a killer bike ride across town. The weather has been a little junkie here. But man, I have missed my bike.
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