And Laura is the most amazing travel partner ever. SRSLY!
I hope that we have the chance to travel again for like five months after our contracts or at least at LEAST during our week long-- too short-- winter vacation.
And I want to live with her. Because when we are not together I just want to text and call her the whole time anyhow.
I almost got a tattoo that said 'fuck lyfe' on the bottom of my foot. Maybe next time. It would be sweet eh? Not like life stinks but hey- a bad thing happens and what- screw it- smile and on to the next! I credit Eliza to this sweet saying which can not whole heartedly be explained in a blog. Except for the fact that it is so amazing that I almost tattooed it on me-- and I dont have any tattoos.
Captions I know would add to this awesomeness but what can I do with around 700 pics but limit it down and give you a link to two massive facebook albums?!
These are in completely random order. But we went to Manila then Olongapo in the Philippines
then Jogjakarta and Seminyak Indonesia.
We met some truly amazing people along the way. ::Thanks or 'matur nuwun' to all of you- you know who you are!!:::
And my only wish was that we would have had more time.
We kept a modest journal of our adventures. Those I will upload here-- and let me tell you-- it is worth it to enlarge them (click on the photos) and read more into detail.
Best vacation ever. Maybe we can't...
I love your notes! They make me want to be there with you SO much!!! Glad you had a fun trip (and puked a lot in the airport?)
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