January 14, 2010

Sonic Boom!

Marit gave me a ticket to the Busan basketaball game last Tuesday. It was so much fun! Tuesday nights havent been this fun since the T-rock. It was pretty awesome let me tell you. I hope to go again sometime! For sure.
John and me with the man who got us the tickets. Thanks buddy!

Peanuts and beer.

A crazy guy pumpin' up the crowd

My favorite mascot's backside.


Marit and John dancing up a storm with the cheerleaders to win pizza or something crazy.

They lost but CLEARLY should have won.

Later that night...
I ate raw meat and drank some crazy awesome fermented berry soju something or other.
John brought some educational books for the boys.

Who gets to look at it first?! Let the fight begin!

::Snatch that!

She not too amused...

Hiding his face in shame:: It's okay John:: Your charm alone with work my friend!

1 comment:

Extreme Ash said...

"We should begin preparing now."

That line picks up all the Koreans who want to make out.

Ow ow owwwww.