January 19, 2010

Another day// Another dollar

A flaming Dr. Pepper - why not
He looks scared...

Tresanna joked about not having enough pictures of her and Joseph. I kept the trend going - don't you worry

Bon Jovi blasting and warm vodka shots: Welcome to Mama's shot stand!
Everyone sings along to Bon Jovi. Everyone.
We stepped in here and a Russian woman turned it on and cranked it up-- going to Mama's- the best choice of the night?! I think so.

♥ Marit and Mama ♥

Mama cut up some apples for us <3

Mama knows best^^

The sickest lighting ever at Mama's. Blue//red//psychedelic//awesomeness

A souvenir from Texas Street.

Just kidding. But it makes the story better doesn't it:::

Later on::::::::
Free food!!!
Tostito's cheesy salsa dip and chips!! Im back in America all over again! I was super excited...

..and then let down. I hope that happens with all bad for me food when I get to America.
Then they had platters of submarine sandwiches! PUMPED.

Oh wait it's subway :x puke
But others still went for it:::

nom nom nom

The new cool kid dance which everyone knew except for me. Good thing I can use my leg as an excuse.

My latest thing to do on a night out-- buy a giant bottle of water. P O P U L A R :::oh yes.

Let's continue- its only four am right

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