Aaaannnddd this same evening was also the scheduled Uptown Pride Block Party at Bryant-Lake Bowl. SSssoooo the cool kids *coughcough* from the Red Stag gussied up to work the event. Little did we know what was to come. Nor did I know what the rest of the evening would hold for me....
Nick and Mike-- best dressed and most dates award.
Wrangle 'em in cowboy!
Mike dropped...something...his modesty perhaps...
Don't forget the accessories gentlemen!
Nick with his sweet unicorn pin
Mike's beer-tastic socks
Side note* Nice socks reminds me of a funny story. When I was in Korea a guy came up to me on the street with money in his hand and asked for my "socks". "Your socks! Your socks!" I looked down confused and then realized he was asking (and trying to give me money) for my SEX. MY SEX! OMFG hahahaha I dyed. And said no with a nasty look and brush off. Creep. haha
Continuing on...
Set up the block party...
Nick supervising.
Group shots between our tuff work.
ps I drank fifty Red Bull shots here. And that is where my night took a sneaky turn... Fifty red bull shots and a Sparks later on!!!!
The beginning of the mighty storm
It was ccrraaazzzzzyyy
So crazy we had to run inside. We tried, we tried to keep it up. We took down, we set back up, and in the end mother nature won.
Everyone had to retire inside. We watched the storm on the big screen. Scary!
But then we played Purple Rain and had a dance party!!!!!! YES!
Blurry but look at Nick gettin' it in the middle!
Thhhheeennn we had to clean up the whole kit and caboodle outside.
After I went home and jumped into some non-soaking wet clothes. I biked on down the the 7th St Entry for Zola Jesus!
Michelle was there.xx
Zola Jesus throwin' it down
Well, I just needed a little bit more than this. Come on, it was Friday! Sooooooo I biked my buns down to the Bedlam Theatre for Bomp! Woooaaaaahhh!! I danced so much here it looked like I found a shower! I didn't realize it until I stopped dancing and a bitchy girl I don't like laughed at me. Then, because I was drunk and this and that other thing, I felt bad so I left! ;_; Stupid girl-- so what?! I found a shower at BOMP! WHO THE FUCK DOESN'T :::rant::: ps it was awesome
I began the bike ride home.
Then I fell and scrapped my knee for the first time since I was ten. Ruined my nylons :( but I do have to say I'm kinda proud of my summer scrape down- which has since been reopened- and jumbo addition to my busied little kid (*but also hot and sexy) body.
Slept a couple hours and wwoooohoho I didn't have to work Saturday brunch! So I met my good ol' friend Katie for shit covered in gravy and brunch drinks to heal all wounds.
Gravy covered bacon screams America and now, I'm going on a diet.
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