July 21, 2009

Mudfest aka I look like Smurf

Here I am getting painted up--
I opted for this rather than- getting put in mud prison and having buckets of mud whipped at my face-- call me crazy--

We chose the blue mud. Unfortunately there are no photos of us covered in mud head to toe-- blue mud top and brown mud bottoms

I am a kitty kat.

Mudfest FAIL

Laura got to make a pot!

A mud bouncy pit I regret to say I didn't go in-- there was only little kids in it- so I felt silly- but now I am sad about it-- when when will I ever get the chance again?!

A rain storm + us having our backpacks and one pair of clothes= PONCHOS

Crazy rainstorm concert-- wear a PONCHO!!

Im getting blllloowwwwnnn aaawwwaaayyyyy ::in a poncho!!

Dance party-- with PONCHOS!

ps that poncho really held me together that night. I tied my dress up and under it-- by the end of the storm only a strip down the middle- where my buttons wouldnt close- was wet


eliza said...

i love ponchos. if we wore ponchos all the time it would probably make us better friends. it'd be like staring up at the moon at the same time..

platinumseagulls said...

Smurffest rox.

typoscura said...

what the fuck just happened?