First off,
"Can"-- no kidding-honestly no pun intended--!!--- yelled across the school for me to get him some toilet paper during class- not once but TWICE.
It was amazing
I never thought it would happen until (or if) I ever had kids of my own. hahah Wow!
On another hand, rainy season is here. And it is something like this:
I swear to God.
Its crazy.
And I love it.
Welcome to Korea!!
Fireworks are conveniently places right next to the rest of the children's toys- including the squirt guns.
Hey kids learn from me!!--- Don't blow your lip off!!
Yes! Africa is connected to Europe!!
I look crazy-- because I am -- to have jsut discovered this
wow wow WOW
And yes, this last pic is for Dusick,
Magic bullets rule the world here.
An ENTIRE row full.
Things you missed picturewise--
A Korean BBQ to the MAX
I tell you!!!
Jeju Island ticket than I could possiby win out of the machine at the store next to my house
Drinking next to the shop as we pump dollars into it in hopes of winning the major pirze-
but 500 won aka less than 50cents would be way better then the plane ticket cost
And a bunch of other things I forgot at this point in the night-- except for the fact that I want to go out OUT OUT every night here--
if it is possible
Laura and I cheered to a good cause tonight!!!
summer seems troublesome when Laura has off all the time and I work at 8AM ==
From one to the other
and the fact that now
now I dont work till one
and she works at
something very early
Wish us luck
ps Tell her to move in with me
It would be MEGA awesome
Vacation= Indonesia and the Philippines in TEN days!!!
WOWZA, I had no idea the Magic Bullet had such a global impact! I seriously still use that thing all the time!
Sorry it's rainy, actually rain is okay, i went for a run in the rain last night, excellent!
That cartoon though... anti-pump. that cartoon sucked. Or maybe I didn't get it.
But that globe, LOLz fo sho!
Thanks for keeping the Korean fun consistently interesting!
You look crazy because you are! So good. That was amazing in some Kerouacian way, I love it.
please buy me and mail me that globle...PLEASE!!!
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