July 1, 2009

Six months later

Hheeyyy gguyyyss!! Remember six months ago?! January first-- we- or many of us made New Years Eve Resolutions.
As of July 1st, it is six months later.
How are you doing on your resolutions?

I am not 100% sure- I know some are well and some so so-- time for a world wide check up- which may be kinda embrassing but hey peeps we need to keep on this right?!!??

“ Stop being a server and start doing something awesome.   
For starters, perhaps, go to Korea to teach English and if not that then well you get the idea something not serving but mega awesome instead.”

Mission accomplished
way to go Cody

But WHATS NEXT?! Keep thinking okay 2010 is creepin' on a come up gurrrll!!!

"Be more healthy
Clean my room more frequently
Be productive as often as possible
Make better decisions when it comes to men (I copied Louisa)
Stop biting my nails
Cross things off the 'things Ive always wanted to do list' or any to- do list for that matter
Be with the ones I love as  much as possible”

eating so so-
sit ups so so
losing weight so so
all off and on business
I have to stick with that OFF business!!!

100% not 50%
get with it kid!

clean my room-- ummm my room is smaller now sooo
but Spring cleaning still needs to be done-- after that-- I'll say I'm in the clear

we'll go with another so so 50% or 75

will always blow my brain

are the worst-
maybe I should shoot for one manicure this year

Cross things off the list-- yeah
but as things get crossed others are being placed- this is a process that I never see ending

Last but not least,
Be with the ones I love as much as possible--


I am very happy to be in Korea and to be experiencing this wonderful place, meeting amazing people, accomplishing a long standing goal, etc however- home is where the heart is-
and yall should know where mine is, especially now. Wow.

A midwest girl through and through.

I miss so many people (you know who you are!), places, times, things... from home
So maybe this resolution will have to be delayed for a bit.

p.s. Special thanks for Laura for being in Korea with me <333 she is a love on this side of the globe


Be careful with the fireworks! ;) And have fun peeps!
Lots of love as always

1 comment:

Extreme Ash said...

Darling girl. I am sitting in NYC reading your blog from SK and just wishing I could hang out with you today. You are so amazing and awesome and cool and I miss you.


p.s. I didn't make NYE resolutions...so I win?