haha ha
She gave it to Shannon- who will proudly sport it around Busan or where ever in the world she may be
ps none of us actually eat the stuff
We, Shannon and I, watched the Packer- Viking game this morning. She gave me a homemade Irish coffee- yum yum
And we made it feel like Wisconsin by eating brats, beans, chips, and pickles.
Heck yes that is a kimchi brat!!!
True midwest- with a real Korean twist
I am brilliant I know. I miss sauerkraut and well -- kimchi-- way to fricken go Cody- so tasty and more healthy too
Let's take a closer look!
yumyum I ate two!
In other food news- I QUIT RAMEN!
Yes yes you did hear that right! Straight from the horses mouth-
Today I went to the store and came home with three types of fruit, four kinds of vegetables, plain yogurt, skim milk, whole grain rice, seaweed, and tofu.
As I was walking home I was thinking-
Fricken gross.
This is going to be a fun few weeks with these groceries! Annnnnnddd I'll have to cook more than water.
But dinner was not bad- just a big pile of cooked vegetables- sounds gross but really it was tasty-
I am even *thinking* about running
funny right
probably not going to happen
what else do I have? Okay so - weird- totally and I don't want to get into a heated internet debate about it but I just finished teaching a class a version of David and Goliath.
It is one of my younger classes- and I just do fun activities and worksheets related to the text with them.
I came up with this jem 'How would you kill the giant?'
It was pretty brutal- one girl was going to rip out his eyes
and this one was photo worthy
"I would knee the giant in the groin to kill him."
The giant in saying "dduuuhhh" and the kid is saying "uuhmmmmm haha!"
ps Health 'Get Color' is defiantly worth a good listen
In one night, Im already on round three of the whole album-
haha, that looked like one of my drawings.
Super sucks about the Pack game, but oh well, Rodgers had no offensive line, and we DID stop A.P... ah well. We'll get em at Lambeau.
Awesome meal, Wisconsin style!
oh, so there's a new "pan-asian" restaurant in Northeast, in what used to be the Times (Jitters) Cafe. It's called Ginger Hop and they have a salmon burger I think or some kind of burger or brat or something that they top with kimchi. NUMMY.
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