October 17, 2009

Fireworks Festival

Last night was the Busan Fireworks Festival; and it was AMAZING. There was 85,000 fireworks! A straight hour of fireworks-- each display looking like a grand finale. Heart shaped fireworks, glittering fireworks, flying around in the sky lit-up bird fireworks, crazy fireworks that hang in the air forever, fireworks that float on top of the water, the world's longest "Niagara Falls" fireworks that rained down from the bridge, and oh so many more all set to an extremely corny sound track of love music and other assortments. My favorite song being a sweet classic rock choice of excellence-which I can not remember but am sure will be stuck in my head later today. DO-RE-MI was cute too.

I have never, in my entire life, seen fireworks like this before. And thanks to some smart friends- I had a PRIME spot- in the middle of the beach right in front of the middle boat lighting off fireworks.

There was over a million people in the beach front area-- it was crazy-- I thought was going to die in a sea of people at one point-- but then an adrenaline rush set in and I broke free- heading safely back to my beach spot.
Here are some pics from the evening; although I should have taken more.


:::the anticipation builds:::

These were my favorite ones!! It was crazy-- they hung in the air foreevvvverrr just floating gracefully. It was so beautiful. Here is a three second video of them-- not longer cause I was confused with my camera.

A fraction of the grand finale

The masses of people after the show

I am pretty sure that everyone I have ever met in Busan was at Gwangan this evening.

::::::::::couple little extra treats from later that night
Filip and Toby excited to see each other

Filip excited to see me

::::::::::and so the night continued- and now I continue my Sunday:::

1 comment:

Dus said...

this makes me HAPPY!!

Holy LOL at your 3 second movie, haha, is that Celine Dion??

the clips look like it was far better than any fireworks display I've ever seen, wow!