December 22, 2009

Last Saturday..

...began in a cave. Yes yes A REAL CAVE. Just chillin' out, shootin' the shit, drinkin' some mokoli, sittin' on stone right next to the stalactites and stalagmites. It smelled like a cave, it looked like a cave, water dripped from the ceiling, it was AWESOME.

The meanest I've ever looked:::

This guy's grill was made from his ex-wife's wedding ring. :::::Absolutely amazing

They use to store weapons and ammunition in this cave during the Korean War:::

These gross slimy pictures are not from the restaurant/ bar area-- a Korean man let me go into the back of the cave. Afterwards he told me it was haunted waaahhhh hahaha

Later on...

Laura got some MAN won >< WAY TO GO GIIIIRRRLLLL!!!

And so it continued to the utmost craziness.
-- but somethings are better left unsaid...

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