And fun...
And more concentration.
But mostly fun^^
Don't forget, eating some popcorn^^
All of these presents-- well they sure do look nice and add to the touch-- however they will be mailed to my family soon- and only one present will remain. Wrapping fake presents?!-- noooooottt a bad idea...
Pro: I have popcorn on my tree and a mysterious, Korean, dried, red fruit.
Con: My house smells like hot oil.
ps if anyone ever finds all blue Xmas lights- sign me up and I will pay you double- or triple
pps Today was the longest Lloooonnnggesstt work day ever- and yet it was my easy day. So wish me better luck for the rest of the week. <33
Annnddddd ohhh yessss!!! In other Christmas notes, I- ironically- received my families xmas care-package today. Complete with cookies and all <33 yumyumyum
Do I save them...
EAT THEM!?!?!!
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