December 15, 2009

This year I...

..moved to Korea. I yearned for left behind friends, family, love, dance parties, Sunday dinners, concerts, my favorite restaurants ...everyday for eight months. And now the idea of leaving is pretty darn scary.
I also spent nine months of 2009 solely with one amazing friend, physically, at my side, Laura-- and she is leaving at the start of 2010.

This post is bummin' me out! Let's think of some other things:::

I ate live octopus.
I went to Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan ::all too short lived:::
I strung popcorn for a xmas tree.
I watched the sunrise continuously.
I saw comets in the middle of a freezing night.
I went to Mud Fest-- haha be that for better or for worse haha
I had my first 'real' job since my sophomore year in college
I went to a public bath-- yes yes naked all naked
I got awesome for the majority of 2009---

Fly by night- 2009 is coming to an end:::ccrraazzzyyy

So its about that time again--- not quite yet but alllmooosttt time toooooo...

Fuck 2009///Viva 2010!!!!!! Hhoooollllyyyyyy heeeelllllll


For now I leave you with this::: the Grim Reaper shepherd

Christmas in Busan moves forth...

1 comment:

Extreme Ash said...

Every time I think your posts can't make me miss you more, I miss you more.