85% of the time when I get an email from a friend there- it is about music, literature, or philosophy. And how I should come visit. --Which I should.
On different note but cool none the less Lupa, a friend from Indo, posted this today, "Tequila , Sex, or Marihuana ? "
I said that is was the greatest thing I had read all day.
Crystal's two year old daughter and my absolute favorite little tyke, Payton Jade, said, "Bob Marley is a mess."

It was awesome and even better than the first quote. Something that I never thought of-- but it is perhaps quite true ::dont hurt me::
In addition- sidetracking a bit first--from my grandmother, to my mother, to me- it is not a fine necklace or a fancy ring but rather, the ability to worry about fricken ANYTHING.
So I am freaking out about my trip this weekend- and still typing this blog rather than researching where to go and what to see in the city--
back on track--
I also spoke to my main man Danny Collisson tonight. Now that is always a pleasure. And I was telling him about my trip and the million things I am worrying about about how it may be a once-in-a-life time trip so that makes me extra worried about misusing my time adnaisudnfkdj etc
anndndd he said,
"It's all one trip. It's ALL a once-in-a-life time trip. You can't worry about it."
It was perfect. And absolutely true. Soooo I wrote down a couple quotes like that- which I received from other friends-- this way I can read them if I am getting to nervous at anytime on my trip haha
and ps this trip is going to be awesome.
Tokyo- rated the number three most awesome city to live in the ENTIRE WORLD- how could it not be cool?!
pps Not included in this blog of awesome quotes are any from- Dusik's Pudding Bath. I am 96% sure there will be something pretty amazing there. I am told he did a doosy today- but I am saving reading it until the morning- for I am already too fired up for bedtime as it is.
::night night:::
or so I hope...
could you get ANY cuter?
I'm pumped for you, for your trip!
And yes, I returned to the bloggie blog world with a Hump day pump up, its quite long and...pumpy? So you'd better read it in the morning!
Oh, and as usual, YOU SPELLED MY NAME WRONG!!!!
you and colin, you lil' jerks! jk, love u both.
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