Let's start from the beginning.
In need of a weekend get a way- Laura and I ventured to Geojedo, an island about one hour by ferry from Busan.
This man on a rusty moped "Judd" helped us a bit-
or so we thought- perhaps he got us more lost--long story
Fishing shack FAIL
We also went to Maxico!! I've always wanted to go; so I was pleased.
We chose to take the cheap route and use public transportation on the island which- as we found out- had very infrequent buses. That put a kink in our plans to say the least.
Instead we spent $50 on lunch :/
Lame- but yummy
Tom! Baby bibimbop!!!
Taste like the fair...almost
I wasn't sure if we would make it, but we did!! YYyeeaaahhhh!!!
After many buses and bit of back tracking we made it. And we were able to see A LOT of the country side on the way-- haha
It was beautiful.
Windflowers all over, homemade scarecrows, rice paddies, cranes, the ocean, cliffs, Laura finding "high school" boyfriends- I think they was more like middle school but who knows
:::so on and so forth::::
Making it to our destination was a relief. Unfortunately, we had to leave again early in the morning.
First hour on the beach:
:::Night falls:::
Dinner guest
Korean delights.
:::to eat:::yes:::
We were being unadventurous.
This is my video; you are safe (and required) to watch it.
Banana bread that looks like bananas
A quick trip back to the cliffs before the AM bus
Are the fish bitting?!
Eight *baby* fish were caught in the 15 min we were there--
Ppppsshh! If my brother Jordan were there I bet he would be blowing them out of the water.
Back on the bus
I had woke up with this song in my head
Lord knows why but there it was as is any other random song in my head any other day
Buuututttt on the bus ride the Locomotion played on the radio!! How random is that?!
wwaaayy random- I mean I haven't heard hide nor hair of that song and here it is double time
I knew it was a good sign.
Ferry tour to Oedo
kinda cool - but the island was pretty generic. It is the only privately owned island- and it has been turned into a huge crazy garden
The boat ride was cool
Some hungover chick puked- I listened to rap music and imitated the ocean with my arms
There were also lots of jelly fish in the water!! You could see them from high up on the cliffs and from the side of the boat-
I tried to take a picture but it didn't work
either way it was sweettttt
ps Two weeks ago I ATE a jellyfish at a work luncheon!
Pictures do not do justice to how beautiful this island is. Not what so ever- especially not mine wahhhwaah
Aawwhh<333 haha
This island was filled with lovebirds of all ages. I thought it was delightful. Laura thought it was horrible.
Okay- I tried to post a jellyfish pic- click on it- and look to the right sideish, the brown blobs in the water- about five- are the jellyfish!
Giant ladybug
Sexy statues
A whole to the middle of the world in my bathroom stall.
I 'canoe' it was going to be a fun trip^^
ps I want one of those^ benches!
Back on the ferry
People want to puke but we just think its fun(ny).
Until we got on the ferry to go back to Busan- where a man was walking around to hand out plastic bags for people to puke in. grroososss it was kinda fun- I mean for one minute-- it reminded me of driving in the country up and down hills and wwheeeeee!!!!!! your tummy tickles but it was like a million times worse and lasted an hour
Someone ran past me and I thought they were going to ralf on my stuff.
I still feel like I am on a boat- and it has been four hours since I got off
wow :/
Happy weekend!!
Really, I'm not a perv. And I really hope you can get that delightfully *disgusting* video uploaded too :)
fun fun fun fun fun fun fun.
the jellyfish pic is cool.
also, that water looks AMAZING.
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