September 8, 2009

Schedules and planning

My morning thus far:

I gave in and am making a cup of coffee-
I need it.
And I have decided that I will eat chips and cheese dip at least once a day until the chips and dip are gone.
Yes, that means I am eating chips and cheese dip for breakfast.
Other than than, Bo Diddley is fueling me on

My schedule this week:
aka there goes my pocket book

Tuesday (yesterday): Girls night!!! Dinner and drinks :::: It was awesome

Today: Laura is trying to get me to do something- but I would never be home if I did- we'll see:: She tempts me with BLTs!

Tomorrow the 10th: Dinner with Mikung

11th: TBD but it's Friday so I *highly doubt I will stay home

12th: Two friends Bday/ going away party

13th: The day before I have to go back to work- so I always have to live it up somehow in someway- unless I feel like garbage

14th: Tentative Nampo-dong exploration night- I have high hopes for this one! Oh yeah I do!!!

15th: My birthday- either sitting at home crying over now having to use firming lotion and eye wrinkle cream or whoopin' it up
I am weighting my options. It will be weird not being at home.

I'm flexible with my weekly plans- so we will see how it all pans out-
Perhaps a little less action than what is jammed in there so far
Or perhaps more
who knows:::?

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